Hi! It's August already - the last month of the summer 2011! Today I am going to tell about an interesting bear and a very important organization for animals.
Spectacled bear (
Tremarctos ornatus), also knonw as the Adean bear or ukuko, jukumari or ucumari is the last remaining short-faced bear.
It lives in South America - Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina. They can live in rain forests, mountain meadows and seacoasts. There are about 2000-2400 specatcled bears only because of disafforestaion.
Spectacled bear has got black fur with
abeige-coloured marking across its face and upper chest but not all Adean bears have those markings. Males can
weight 100 – 200 kilos or
220 – 440 lbs, females
35 – 82 kilos or
77 – 181 lbs. Males are about
1.5 meters long.
They eat about
5 - 7% meat, they eat a lot of
palm nuts,
orchid bulbs and
fruit. They don't attack humans. Spectacled bears are
used in Chinese medicine and they are very expensive. Because of using them in medicine they are very rare now.
Info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectacled_bear
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has over
2 million members right now. This organization is
one of the biggest and most important for animals and nature.
against animal testing, eating meat, using animals in show-business and
using skins for making leather. They
educate people and believe that
animals have rights too.
This organizations
was made in 1980. First PETA's case was the precedent-setting 1981 Silver Spring monkeys case. They
helped to arrest animal experimenter for the first time.
PETA has helped many animals and has
made many campaigns against unfair people and organizations like
Donna Karan,
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen and
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
You can support, donate and read more here -
In the next article I will tell you about African Golden Cat and IUCN!