otrdiena, 2012. gada 10. jūlijs

Bible Of Wars. Part II - War in Afghanistan.

Haven't you heard about war in Afghanistan? Haven't you?
Yes, you've heard. Of course - who hasn't?
But I've got another question - do you really, really know what's going on there, in Afghanistan?
Let me introduce you a little and I hope you'll learn something new and you'll find at least one more reason why you hate this conflict.


This war is not a small conflict - this war started in 1978. Pretty long, isn't it? And it hasn't stopped yet, people are still dying, they're still scared to death.
I'm going to tell you about it pretty shortly because it's complicated but if you're interested you can find more information by yourself.
The reason this war began in 1978 - Communist People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan took power in a military coup.
Afghanistan's resistance forces (mujahideen) fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
The Soviet-backed Afghan communist regime survived until 1992.
Militia leader was opposed to an interim government. In 1992 three militias who occupied suburbs of Kabul started a war against each other. Kabul was bombarded by Pakistani too.
After attacks in USA (September 11, 2001), they took part in this war too. What was the reason? To defeat Al-Qaeda, to remove the Taliban from power and to create a democratic state.
To 20 June 2012 1 115 USA soldiers have died, 300 UK soldiers have died and 147 Canada soldiers have died. Soldiers from France, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Austria, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, Czech, Latvia, Hungary, Portugal, Turkey, Belgium, Finland, Jordan and Lithuania have died too.
These soldiers weren't guilty, they weren't bad people.
And many, many civilians have died too. This wasn't their fault, but they had to die.
People in Afghanistan can't decide what they want to do or can't choose their lifestyles; they can die accidentally and can't plan their future.
Is this fair? No.
Do you think it should end?
It's my question for you, World.


Info - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Afghanistan_(1978%E2%80%93present)

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