pirmdiena, 2012. gada 6. augusts

Bible Of Wars. Part IV - Colombian Civil War.

For a second imagine your country has got an armed conflict for 48 years. Forty eight long and awful years. Can you feel great in this country or maybe... Maybe you are feeling hopeless?

And what's really crazy - most of the people in Colombia have forgotten why this conflict even started.

Colombian Civil War has displaced 2 400 000 to 4 000 000 people, but there's nothing unusual - who wants to live in a war zone for 48 years?

In 1999 2 787 people were kidnapped. And that's a world record (bad, bad record).

There are more than 100 000 refugees in Colombia now. 100 to 200 people become refugees every day.

This conflict has caused 50 000 to 200 000 deaths. Shocking and awful, isn't it?
And every day 20 people are killed for political reasons.

There are many reasons for this war - some of the movements fight for the rights of the poor people in Colombia. The Colombian government fights for order and stability.

Guerilla and paramilitary groups are probably engaged in terrorism and drug trafficking.

This armed conflict is called "asymmetric low-intensity" but it's all wrong. Because you can't imagine you live normally when you're country is a war zone for almost 50 years.

You just have to say NO to war.

Info - http://www.counterpunch.org/2007/05/23/colombia-s-civil-war-and-the-us/

trešdiena, 2012. gada 18. jūlijs

Bible Of Wars. Part III - Somali Civil War.

Yes, maybe Somalia is a place in Africa and maybe you don't really care about this country.
But this conflict is awful and "loud". And everyone has to know about it.

Somali Civil War began in 1991. It is another conflict that lasts for a long, long time.
Some factions began competing for influence in Somalia. War started following the overthrow of the dictator Siad Barre. The whole nation was not controlled. Somalia hasn't got a government since 1991.

United Nation (UN) sent a peace-keeping mission to Somalia to help people in 1993. UN troops died, 31 soldiers from USA died too.

In 2004 Transitional Federal Government was established. In 2006 it assumed control of most of the nation's southern conflict zones.

In 2011 started one of the final stages in Somali Civil War - a coordinated military operation between the Somali military and multinational forces.

During the first year of the civil war 300 000 people died of starvation. More than 500 000 have died until now. Nearly 35% of all children born in Somalia die before their fifth birthday.

This conflict will probably end soon but it has killed too many people. So many happy children would be raised without this war. So many people would still be alive. Are these bloody conflicts worth it?

It's our choice too.

Information -

otrdiena, 2012. gada 10. jūlijs

Bible Of Wars. Part II - War in Afghanistan.

Haven't you heard about war in Afghanistan? Haven't you?
Yes, you've heard. Of course - who hasn't?
But I've got another question - do you really, really know what's going on there, in Afghanistan?
Let me introduce you a little and I hope you'll learn something new and you'll find at least one more reason why you hate this conflict.


This war is not a small conflict - this war started in 1978. Pretty long, isn't it? And it hasn't stopped yet, people are still dying, they're still scared to death.
I'm going to tell you about it pretty shortly because it's complicated but if you're interested you can find more information by yourself.
The reason this war began in 1978 - Communist People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan took power in a military coup.
Afghanistan's resistance forces (mujahideen) fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
The Soviet-backed Afghan communist regime survived until 1992.
Militia leader was opposed to an interim government. In 1992 three militias who occupied suburbs of Kabul started a war against each other. Kabul was bombarded by Pakistani too.
After attacks in USA (September 11, 2001), they took part in this war too. What was the reason? To defeat Al-Qaeda, to remove the Taliban from power and to create a democratic state.
To 20 June 2012 1 115 USA soldiers have died, 300 UK soldiers have died and 147 Canada soldiers have died. Soldiers from France, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Austria, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, Czech, Latvia, Hungary, Portugal, Turkey, Belgium, Finland, Jordan and Lithuania have died too.
These soldiers weren't guilty, they weren't bad people.
And many, many civilians have died too. This wasn't their fault, but they had to die.
People in Afghanistan can't decide what they want to do or can't choose their lifestyles; they can die accidentally and can't plan their future.
Is this fair? No.
Do you think it should end?
It's my question for you, World.


Info - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Afghanistan_(1978%E2%80%93present)

pirmdiena, 2012. gada 25. jūnijs

Bible of Wars. Part I - Mexican Drug War.


Hello, World!
Imagine your life in Mexico (in places where Mexican Drug War is still going on) just for a few minutes - you can't go shopping whenever you want to. You can't go anywhere without seeing dead (killed) people all around you. You can't say what you want. You have to pay to drug cartels. Your children are scared to the death. You can die right now - accidentally. You are always living in danger.
Briefly - you are very, very scared.

Are you interested now? Do you want some more information? Let me introduce you.

Mexican Drug War - an ongoing armed conflict. Rival cartels fight - they kill and torture each other. And they kill soldiers too. Why?

It started in 2006 because of government’s idea to destroy drug business, cartels and dealers. But the biggest cartels began a bloody war between each other and against Mexico too. It has got a reason - wholesale earnings from illicit drug sales range from $13.6 billion to $49.4 billion annually (we all would fall for something like that, wouldn't we?).

It's all about the money, money...

71 000 lives. 1.6 million people displaced. 1 000+ police and prosecutors killed.

They are not worth enough. Are they?

In my opinion, this fight is sluggish. Too sluggish and too bloody. Other countries have to do something to end this conflict if Mexico can't stop the drug war. We can't just watch ’cause it makes us guilty too. Blood-guilty.


svētdiena, 2012. gada 24. jūnijs

Equality is a human right.

We were all made equal. But some people, some organizations and societies just don't go with it.
Although, there are many democratic countries in World now where people can be equal and prove their rights. They are not killed by worthless fights and conflicts.
But there are too many countries without democracy and I am against it! Democracy is the only way to peace.
Give peace a chance. /John Lennon
You can read four facts about war. Sadly - all these facts are true and it is an inexcusable neglect. That's why I am so strongly against conflicts.

  • One out of every two casualties of war is a civilian caught in the crossfire. 
Do I even have to explain? War kills so many civilians that it is not even unfair - it is drastic.

  • Annual global spending on military is more than $1.3 trillion (45% by USA).
What is more important - to kill and spend money on military (and to sponsor many deaths), or maybe 1.3 trillion for feeding people, teaching them and saving animals? War is not advantageous. Mostly it is a parody about fairness, but actually these conflicts are about dignity of highfliers.

  • About 50% of arms exports go to non-democratic regimes.
As you see, it is not non-democratic regime's fault only - 50% of arms go to countries WHO HAS GOT DEMOCRACY too. So it is 50:50. But are these conflicts actually good for these countries? Do you have to put your gun up? Is it an obligatory?
  • Land mines cause 24,000 deaths a year.
It is a big number of soldiers and civilians, who are killed by these mines. It is the number of inhabitants in my town multiplied with four. Four my towns!

There are at least 7 billion reasons to end war - all of our lives. And more billion reasons - all living being lives on this Earth. 
Say YES to peace. Say it loud. Stand for it.
And this fight will end all fights.

sestdiena, 2012. gada 23. jūnijs

Say YES To Peace On Earth.

Actually, this world is really messed up right now. We, people, are all insecure and we are not safe. Right at this moment there are people dying without any reason (I mean - because of war), war destroys houses, families and life. What is war?

War - an organized, armed and often a prolonged conflict that is carried on between states, nations, or other parties typified by extreme aggression, social disruption, and usually high mortality. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War

So - extreme aggression and high mortality. Human against human. Some soldiers fight for interests of other persons who aren't really interested in these soldiers. How equal is that?

I am against war. I am against conflicts. Against all wars, killings and fights that have happened and is happening right now. We have to stop fighting and killing. In my and only my opinion - people have to stop war to become equal and to stand as one. To reach something called... peace.

We all are informed about World War I and World War II, but unfortunately we don't know much about wars that are going on right now. So this is what I am going to do - I am going to tell you true stories about wars. And my motto will be - If we don't end war, war will end us.

And I am strongly against anything that disturbs my equality and make you better/worse than me. So... Let's just take a moment and read about ongoing military conflicts.

  • Colombian Armed Conflict (since 1964), casualties - 50 000 to 200 000, people displaced - 2 400 000 to 4 000 000.
  • Afghan civil war (since 1978), about 3 000 000 killed.
  • Somali Civil War (since 1991), more than 500 000 killed.
  • War in North-West Pakistan (since 2004), 3.44 million civilians displaced, 40 309 killed.
  • Mexican Drug War (since 2006), total displaced - 1.6 million people, 71 000 killed, 10 000 disappeared.
  • Sudanese nomadic conflicts (since 2009), about 5 641 killed.
  • Sudan internal conflict (since 2011), 1 500 killed, 200 000 people displaced.
  • Syrian uprising (since 2011), 15 000 to 20 000 killed, 35 000 wounded.
  • Insurgency in Iraq (since 2011), between 1 136 to 1 436+ killed.
  • South Sudan–Sudan border conflict (since 2012), 200 to 1 300 killed.
To end war = To save people
It's all I can say. You just have to decide - do you stand as strongly as me.


trešdiena, 2012. gada 14. marts

Apturi Koniju. (STOP KONY)

Ļoti liels prieks par akcijas KONY2012 popularizēšanos arī Latvijā. Es redzu, ka cilvēkiem rūp. Un mums patiešām nav vienalga, vai ne?

Tātad, Jums nedaudz vairāk informācijas par šo projektu un, vissvarīgākais, tā kulmināciju.

Akcijā STOP KONY iesaistās brīvprātīgie, nevis atmaksāti un atalgoti cilvēki. Šajā kustībā esošo cilvēku skaits ar katru dienu arvien pieaug. Arī Latvijā (par ko man ir neviltots prieks), tātad mums tomēr nav vienaldzīgi arī bērni Ugandā.

STOP KONY aizsācēji izveidoja arī mājaslapu http://www.invisiblechildren.com, kurā ir pastāstīts par šiem, Ugandas, bērniem. Kādēļ neredzamie bērni? Tikai vien iemesla dēļ - jo vēl pirms pavisam neilga laika šie bērni pasaules acīm bija neredzami.

Un vēl nedaudz - par KONY2012 mērķiem. Viens no galvenajiem ir izglītot miljonus un miljardus cilvēku visur pasaulē par negodīgumu un netaisnību. Pievēršot cilvēku uzmanību, tiek pievērsta arī valsts amatpersonu uzmanība, tātad ir lielāka iespējamība notvert Koniju un viņa grupējumu.

Nobeigumā izteikšu arī savu viedokli. Šai kustībai ir arī daudz pretinieku, kuri uzskata, ka Konija darbība jau kādu laiku ir beigusies, vai arī to, ka Konijs ir miris. Taču mums nav jāziedo šai organizācijai nauda. Mēs vienkārši varam paveikt labu darbu šo kustību popularizējot. Mēs vienkārši varam parādīt, ka mums nav vienaldzīgi to bērnu likteņi, kuri ir cietuši, nogalināti, izkropļoti un vairs nekad neatgriezīsies pie saviem vecākiem.

KONY2012 savu kulmināciju sasniegs 20.aprīlī. Visā pasaulē naktī un vakarā tiks izlīmēti dažādi plakāti - ar Koniju, ar uzrakstiem STOP KONY u.t.t. Jebkurš var iesaistīties. Arī Tu.


trešdiena, 2012. gada 7. marts

I Choose...

I haven't written here such a long time! And I really, really missed it. So here's something new from me - this time I choose water powered clock!

First I saw this clock in my school. I was really suprised - a clock without batteries or electricity! But now I know that this little fancy thing converts ions in the water into a energy. Nice, isn't it?

This clock is really eco-friendly and green. I will buy it soon and check it out. But as I know, you don't need to reset the time over and over, when you change the water. There is a memory chip in this clock too!

This clock is available in many colours at the moment. You can choose whatever you like. And I hope that soon no one on this planet won't use batteries or electricity in their clock, and we are going to live green!


KONY 2012.

Pasaulē ikdienu notiek kas tāds, par ko nestāsta ziņās, kas nav izlasāms laikrakstos un netiek komentēts internetā. Viena no šādām tēmām ir Jozefs Konijs (Joseph Kony).

Kas ir projekts KONY 2012 un Jozefs Konijs?

Jozefs Konijs ir viens no briesmīgākajiem kara noziedzniekiem pasaulē. Viņš dzīvo Ugandā un tur ir pastrādājis briesmīgus noziegumus. Un pirms Jūs nonākat pie secinājuma, ka Uganda Jūs it nemaz neinteresē, es lūdzu Jūs mazliet apdomāt. JOZEFA KONIJA ARMIJĀ IR 30 000 BĒRNU. Viņš nolaupa bērnus, izkropļo to sejas, liek tiem nogalināt viņu vecākus, citus Ugandas iedzīvotājus un kareivjus. Un viņš to dara jau 20 gadus. Tikai viņš vēl aizvien nav noķerts.
Kādēļ? Tādēļ, ka neviens par to nezina. Pasaule par to ir minimāli sadzirdējusi tikai pēdējā gada laikā. Tagad viņš ir pirmais kara noziedznieku sarakstā, kuri jānotver. Kamēr tas nav paveikts, vienīgais, ko mēs visi varam darīt, ir padarīt viņu populāru. Tādēļ iesākumā vēlētos, lai Jūs iepazītos ar projektu KONY 2012 un noskatītos šo videoklipu.

Cilvēku grupa, kura dara visu, lai glābtu bērnus Ugandā un ļautu viņiem izbaudīt bērnību, kura brīva no bailēm, izveidoja šo projektu. Tajā iesaistītas arī pasaules mēroga slavenības - Lēdija Gaga, Džordžs Klūnijs un citi. Padarīsim Jozefu Koniju populāru arī Latvijā, jo tas vēl nav izdarīts! Bet arī mums par to ir jāsadzird!
